

This Web Service is only useable for internal Grünbeck processes.



The Instance field is the basic address identifier and might look like: gruenbeckdev



An Entity is the logic name of an specific entry point.

CRM Example: leads



Possible Actions are:

  • Update
  • Create
  • Delete

Field Names

Field names are the logic names of your specific field you want to configure. If you want to configure more than one field you need to put multiple values together with an $ separator.

CRM Example: subject

An example of the concatenation of multiple values might look like: subject$topic

Field Types

Field types are the specific datatype which fits to your specified field name. Analogous to Field Names. If you want to configure more than one field you need to put multiple values together with an $ separator.

Currently available fields are:

  • boolean
  • string
  • int

An example of the concatenation of multiple values might look like: boolean$int

Field Values

Field Values are the specific value which you want to configure. Field Values must match to the specific field type and field name. Analogous to Field Names. If you want to configure more than one field you need to put multiple values together with an $ separator.

The boolean field type accepts 0/1 as field value!

An example of the concatenation of multiple values might look like: test$abc



The GUID field represents the unique ID of your record.

A GUID might look like: 138A788C-DZE8-E311-A7S3-00FF79BDE21Z


The Timestamp must match the UTC Timezone. The timestamp is only valid for 24 hours.

Timestamp format: 2018-02-08T08:49:11

Information - Base64


A full concatenated string must be converted to the Base64 format. Without this step the API is not able to execute your command.

Information - Required fields depending on the action

Dependencies from action and field requirements.

Fields Update Create Delete
Instance Yes Yes Yes
Entity Yes Yes Yes
Action Yes Yes Yes
Field Names Yes No No
Field Types Yes No No
Field Values Yes No No
GUID Yes Yes Yes
Timestamp Yes No No

Full Example

In this step you will see an general example to work with this API.

Choose an existing entity name: Example: leads

Choose an valid action: Example: update

Choose valid field names: Example: subject

Choose valid field types: Example: string

Choose valid field values: Example: My Test Example

Choose an valid GUID: Example: 138A788C-DZE8-E311-A7S3-00FF79BDE21Z

Choose an valid Timestamp: Example: 2018-02-08T08:49:11


The number of field names, field types and field values must match exacly The sequence of field names, field types and field values must match exactly as well

If you concatenate all of your values it might look like this:

Basic Usage:


Example Usage:


Example Usage for multiple values:


Before you can use the service you need to convert this string to Base64

Before: gruenbeckdev/leads/update/subject$topic/string$string/test$abc/138A788C-DZE8-E311-A7S3-00FF79BDE21Z/2018-02-08T08:49:11


Now you can concatenate the encoded string with the Service Url:

URL: http://gbcrmwebservice.azurewebsites.net/

Concatenated: http://gbcrmwebservice.azurewebsites.net/Z3J1ZW5iZWNrZGV2L2xlYWRzL3VwZGF0ZS9zdWJqZWN0JHRvcGljL3N0cmluZyRzdHJpbmcvdGVzdCRhYmMvMTM4QTc4OEMtRFpFOC1FMzExLUE3UzMtMDBGRjc5QkRFMjFaLzIwMTgtMDItMDhUMDg6NDk6MTE=
